Follow Me

Follow Me. Seems simple enough, doesn’t it?  But those two words turned this world upside down over 2000 years ago. Up till that point, it was about following the rules.  It was about being good enough.  You depended on someone else’s relationship with God.  A priest had to ask for forgiveness for you.  But those

Praying in Tough Situations

I love gardening. You may not know it looking at me, but the act of nurturing a plant from seed to frutation is amazing. When I was growing up, I remember helping my mother out in her garden. I LOVED the dirt. But there was one thing that I realized early on – in the

Honesty and Integrity

"I've heard it both ways!" - This is a very common saying that I blurt out when people call me out on the many grammar and speaking mistakes that I make. But down to the root of the statement is something a little darker. Have I actually hard it both ways, or am I telling

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